NO! In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America: Initiators Andy Zee and PZ Myers

Donald Trump, the President-elect, is assembling a regime of grave danger.  Millions of people in the US and around the world are filled with deep anxiety, fear, and disgust. Our anguish is right and just.  Our anger must now become massive resistance –before Donald Trump is inaugurated and has the full reins of power in his hands.

Should we fail to rise with determination and daring in our millions now to stop this, the consequences for humanity will be disastrous.  We, the undersigned, know in the depths of our beings, the catastrophe that will befall the people of the world should the Trump/Pence regime assume full power.

We therefore CALL FOR A MONTH OF RESISTANCE beginning on December 19th, reaching a crescendo by the January 20th 2017 Inauguration.

Our resistance must spread rapidly to every sphere and every corner of the country. Because we refuse to accept a fascist America, millions must rise up in a resistance with a deep determination such that we create a political crisis that prevents the Trump/Pence fascist regime from consolidating its hold on the governance of society. 

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PZ Myers is a biologist and associate professor at the University of Minnesota, Morris. He's the author of the blog Pharyngula and the author of The Happy Atheist. 

Andy Zee is the spokesperson for Revolution Books, New York City. 

For more on the Call to Action and the Plan to Stop Trump/Pence:

What Is the Plan to Stop Trump/Pence?:

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