Henry Giroux, America at War with Itself. Ann Wright, Women's Boat to Gaza. J. Corey Williams on Colin Kaepernick's Protest

America at War with Itself

Henry A. Giroux talks about his latest book, America at War With Itself. In it, he reflects on a wide range of social issues, from the campaign of Donald Trump to the police murder of Sandra Bland and the oppression aimed at immigrants, communities of color, Muslims, low-income families and those who challenge state and corporate power. Henry Giroux is the McMaster University professor for Scholarship in the Public Interest and Distinguished Visiting Professor at Ryerson University.




Women's Boat to Gaza

Ann Wright will talk about the Women's Boat to Gaza, its illegal seizure by Israeli gunboats, and her subsequent detention by Israeli authorities. September 15, a boat with dozens of women from many countries sailed from a Spanish port to break the Israeli siege of Gaza. October 5, the boat was seized in international waters by an Israeli military vessel, and forced to sail to an Israeli port. Ann Wright and all the others were jailed, but have been released. Ann Wright is an activist and a former US ambassador. For more, check out the Freedom Flotilla website

The Oppressive Seeds of the Colin Kaepernick Backlash

Eric Reid and Colin Kaepernick

Eric Reid and Colin Kaepernick

Dr. J. Corey Williams joins us to talk about Colin Kaepernick. There's been a lot of uproar over Kaepernick refusing to stand for the National Anthem. There's been support and solidarity, and also backlash. J. Corey Williams talks about the historical seeds of this backlash. He is a resident physician in psychiatry at Yale University.

Read his article.