Peter Gleick, the March for Science; Matt Adams, Fighting the Muslim Ban; Rachel Ida Buff, the ICE Terror and Collective Resistance

Peter Gleick on the March for Science - and the Climate March


Women Scientists at the Women's March

Women Scientists at the Women's March

Peter Gleick, a leading scientist on global water and climate issues, and co-founder of the Pacific Institute in Oakland, recently wrote about why scientists should be in the streets protesting the policies of the Trump regime, both in the Climate March on April 29, and the March for Science, April 22, Earth Day. 

We'll talk to him about that, and about "the uninhibited use of lies, false statements, blatant and intentional misrepresentations of fact, and bad science," by Trump and many others in his administration. 


The Trump/Pence regime is moving quickly in its assault on immigrants, a key part of its fascist program. 

  • Trump has laid siege to immigrant communities, setting in motion attacks on immigrants whose only “crime” is being driven to this country, working, going to school, and trying to survive. 

  • The Trump administration issued a new order a Muslim ban, which would not only block hundreds of millions of Muslim people from immigrating, fleeing to, or even visiting the U.S., but also opens the door to including many more countries in the ban, as well as pointing a finger of suspicion at Muslims who have lived in the U.S. for decades, including citizens.

We'll hear from:

Matt Adams, legal director of the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NIRP) in Seattle, on the impact of the Muslim ban, and the fight against it. The NIRP was one of several immigrant rights groups who have sued to stop Muslim ban from taking effect. 

Rachel Ida Buff, professor of history and comparative ethnic studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She has written about the terror created in immigrant communities from weeks of ICE raids, and the need for creating sanctuaries, and the need for collective resistance. Her new book, Against the Deportation Terror: Organizing for Immigrant Rights in the Twentieth Century, will be out later this year.